Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Zeta in Mental Clinic. Day 1- Film du Jour (a working title)

Zeta in Menta Clinic from The Riandos on Vimeo.

This was the first film made and premiered in one day last week 14th April based on the news paper stories of the same day. 

Monday, April 18, 2011

The Review that counts.

What made Katie nearly fall off her bike as she rode through Stokes Croft ?  She was bedazzled by the Lush and extravagant red carpet affair which was the setting for the three night film du jour. 

The Riando sisters had done an amazing job in transporting the venue back to the days of the talkies.  Unfortunately I only managed to get to Friday nights showing of the "Hoff".  The film presentation was superb and extremely funny.  Well thought out.  How did these girls manage to pull this off ?????  Shear talent, persistent hard work and a belief 
in their craft. Plus a very lovely group of supporters. ( We heart your friends ). 

We are really proud of you !  Could we be looking at the new French and Saunders ??!!??

John Riando April 2011

Sunday, April 17, 2011

The Morning after........

Hey Guys
Sitting here the morning after the week before- gives us a chance to reflect. We have some AMAZING friends, not to be dramatic but with out them we might be DEAD now! 

Were still not sure how it went as our cognitive functions have yet to recoup- so any feedback would be sweet. 
Keep your eye balls peeled for the week in film premiering online soon. For optimum effect- watch with “sparkling company and champagne”
Love ewww
The Rinados

Monday, April 11, 2011

The Riandos Present : Film Du Jour (A working title)

Press Release April 2011
Premiers each night at 7:30
14th,15th and 16th April
The Motorcycle showroom
15-19 Stokes Croft
Stokes Croft
BS1 39Y
To me, bad taste is what entertainment is all about”
John Waters.
Read the paper this morning?
Saw the headline?
Want to go see the movie?
The Riando’s present a ‘back to basics’ media experience. Housed in the 8-week gallery, on Stokes Croft, The Riando’s cinema will present a film of the days headline on the day it came out.
Completely controlled by The Press on the day, this could be from the bizarre, “I Married A Monkey”, to the current big news story, “The Royal Wedding”. The themes within the chosen story will be explored and presented as a short film.
Based on the ethos of John Waters, the DIY concept encourages volunteers from the surrounding community, to take part as an actor, artist or dogsbody, and come together to make something exciting and new within a day. With six different stages to the workday the scripting, editing, filming and organising will all be done under the supervision of The Riando’s, two sisters looking to take film making back to basics and bring the fun and accessibility back to the art form.
The Riando’s film style takes humour and the bizarre, mixing them together to make art that entertains the viewer. Primarily influenced by the likes of John Waters and Pedro Almodovar they are not averse to making themselves look silly and make bad taste look good. Expect bad wigs, heavy make up and an obvious love for the medium of film.

7:30pm is the red carpet Première on each night where you can see the film and the making of documentary accompanied by champagne and sparkling company.
An exciting and fresh new exhibition experience.
For three days only at the Motorcycle showroom Stokes croft.

Clare Lowe-2011


Sunday, April 3, 2011


We would be delighted for you to join us for some champagne and celebration.  

Love you 
The Riandos x